How do I get my business on Google?

How do I get my business online and website on google search

For a modern-day business, a website is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Over the past couple of decades, we’ve seen the online side of business go from being an afterthought to being the foundation for business success. While some of the same principles of old business practices still exist, they have been modernised for the digital landscape. For instance, word-of-mouth is still a powerful form of lead generation, except now instead of neighbours talking over a fence it’s a comment left on a social media group. These interactions are all digital, so in order to capitalize on this opportunity, it is important to have a website this modern age referral system can be directed to. This idea is even more evident when we take into consideration how people discover new businesses when looking for specific services or products they require. Gone are the classifieds in newspapers, and in comes the power of the Google search engine. But that begs the question to be answered – what do you do to make your website appear on Google?

First step? You’re going to need a website

Your digital footprint on the world wide web starts by having a website. To take part in the online game, you’ve got to be in it to win it. Depending on what type of business or organisation you wish to promote will determine which type of website you’re going to need. Here are a few common websites that serve different purposes:

  • Ecommerce Website: An eCommerce website is a site that allows online transactions in exchange for products. In simple terms, it’s a website used to sell goods. Usually, this works for products that are at a fixed price and can either be physical or digital. An eCommerce site requires a cart and checkout system to accept payments. As well as back-end features for order fulfillment and inventory tracking.

  • Business/Small Business: Whether your business is big or small, a business website aims to create an online presence. It allows people to learn about your company, products, services, employees, and culture. It sets the tone as to how you wish your business to be perceived, and the usual end game is to get customers comfortable with reaching out to your business directly. These are often service-based businesses such as trades, accountants, or lawyers.

  • Personal website: Recently we’ve seen the rise of the “personal brand”, where individuals put themselves at the forefront of their services rather than a business. These websites are often for services such as consultants, trainers, influencers, or a space to share opinions.

  • Portfolio: Any creative person worth their salt knows the value of having an up-to-date portfolio to showcase their work. Usually used by designers, videographers, artists, or other creative professionals. Often the design of the website itself breaks the mold of traditional web design to complement the work on display.

  • Blog Website: A blog website is a place to host articles, videos, and photos used to inform or entertain their targeted audience. They are updated regularly and are often a space to share opinions, news, or the insight of either a person or a company. It should be noted that all the websites above can also have a blog section. However, sometimes they are designed to be stand-alone.

Once you have chosen the best type of website for your needs, had it designed and developed, it's time to go live!

How do I Get My Website to Show up on Google Search?

It isn’t enough to just make your website public and hope for the best. Having a great-looking website is only the first step, but it’s far from the last. While your website will eventually be present on the Google search engine automatically, being on the 97th page of the search results isn’t exactly going to garner you any traffic. Ask yourself this question, when was the last time you went past the first or second page of the search results? Well, you’re not alone. 71-92% of traffic from Google Search results comes from the first page. It isn’t just a question about how to make your website show up on Google, but also WHERE does it show up on google.

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is a term used to explain how easy your website is to be found. It’s based on how important Google determines your content is, in relationship to the search terms associated with your website. The very first step of this process involves submitting a sitemap to Google and performing a website crawl. For this to work efficiently, your website needs to be rich with content that is appropriate to your niche. Performing keyword research can inform the content creation process, but it is also important to balance this with genuine value. Further SEO can be performed by tweaking your website’s metadata – the descriptions, headings, and titles for each page within your website.

It’s very easy to get lost in the weeds through this SEO process. Many people get overwhelmed not only trying to figure out how it all works before implementing it, but then determining whether or not their efforts were in vain. There are a lot of moving parts, and it can be difficult to troubleshoot what’s going wrong and what’s going right. Having a strategy that lays out every step is key to ensuring that you’re getting the most out of Google search. Lime Digital are specialists in getting your business online through our web development services and creating efficient search engine optimisation strategies to ensure that your business climbs the ranks towards the coveted first page of the results. Get in contact with the team at Lime Digital today to discuss your marketing budget, and find out what an expert digital marketing team can do for your business.

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