Find your NZ Google Rank with Lime Digital

Find your NZ Google Rank with Lime Digital

Over the past two decades, the need for businesses to have an online presence can’t be overstated. But gone are the days where merely having a website and domain is enough to lead your business to success online. The digital landscape gets more saturated by the second, and with 1,197,982,359 websites on the internet (and counting), getting your website in front of your customers can seem like a daunting task. And with a range of digital marketing agencies, offers and spam emails things can get pretty overwhelming.

Lucky, the advent of the digital age created a solution to websites being able to be found by customers looking for their services. The wild west of the internet has been somewhat tamed by the rise of the search engine, with Google now being the primary means that consumers look up products and services online. While this has made it far easier for consumers to navigate around the web, the speed at which they can do so has made customers impatient in their searches. These days, the top result of a google search will get 31% of the traffic for that search term. Businesses on the second page of Google are likely to not be seen at all.

Your Google rank can determine whether your business is going to be successful or not. The bottom of the search results are where businesses go to fail. Fortunately for you, it’s not just pure luck where your business ends up on the Google search results. It is possible to implement content strategies and good SEO practises in order to rise through the ranks of google. The first step is finding your NZ google rank.

There are many tools that can be used to discover where your current Google rank NZ is for your business. If you head to this handy dandy widget, you’ll be able to type in your business’s URL, and select New Zealand as the market you’d like to compare it to. This will produce a wealth of information around the traffic that is heading to your website through search engines. This includes hygiene metrics such as domain and page trust. Check it out below:

The first thing to note is the overall traffic your website has been receiving. This compiles all sources of traffic into one number, and is a good insight into seeing the overall performance of your site. The more overall traffic you can drive to a website with relevant content, the higher the conversion rate. But that’s the key right there – “relevant content”. This is where keywords play a major role in who’s seeing your content. Basically, are the correct people finding your site for the correct reason. The best way to figure this out is to look at the organic keywords your site is ranking for. This is listed in order of most traffic to your site based on search queries, and where your ranking for that search query currently is sitting.

For example, if you own an ecommerce store that sells artisan flavoured lollipops, and you’re ranking at 1 for the search term “fancy lollipops’ ‘, you’re drawing the right people in. But if you’re ranking 100 for “buy lollipops online”, you may want to tweak the content on your site, build backlinks and optimise your websites meta data to increase the ranking.

These organic keywords are a great way of figuring out where your business is doing well, and where it could do with improvement. Ranking as high as possible for the maximum amount of keywords associated with your niche is the golden goose of digital marketing. Our role at Lime Digital as an Auckland SEO agency is to help you climb the rankings through the implementation of content and foundational SEO strategies to propel your business to new heights… both financially and in the search results. Get in contact with us today to discuss how our SEO agency can help you with increasing your Google rank.

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